Print your Instagram page

BlookUp specializes in turning your digital contant into beautiful paper books. We know that these days, people put a lot of effort into capturing the best photos for Instagram to share their favorite moments and memories. We believe these photos deserve to be printed and you deserve to have a physical representation of the digital photo album you have created. Not only does this act as an excellent memory book and showcase your photos, it ensures you always have a copy of you Instagram if anything was to ever happen to them. (because how much can we truly trust technology)

About our books

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All of our books are printed using the best technology, ensuring top-quality, elegant books which showcase your photos in the best light. All of our instagram books have the same layout with one photo per page and the captions displayed below. This allows you to truly appreciate each and every photo and memory.

Create your book today

Make the most of your digital content

In a world of where everyone is creating digital content, to what extent are we actually enjoying the content ourselves. At BlookUp we believe the work and effort we put into our social media posts whether that be Instagram, Facebook or a Blog deserves to be properly showcased and celebrated. This is why we help thousands of customers each year create beautiful books made from their digital content.

Celebrate a specific trip or time in your life

A lot of our clients have blogs or social media pages dedicated to specific trips that they have been on or specific periods in their life, which they want to commemorate. Although these digital accounts can make for a good souvenir, many people agree that having a physical book makes in a lot more special. Not only does a hand-held book allow you to show off the effort you have put into creating this content and showcase it in your home, it also allows you to easily share the photos and memories with members of the family who wouldn’t have access to social media.

Create a personal photo album without any stress

Some clients just want an album of their best photos. A lot of people in this digital age take photos of every event that occurs in their lives and are continuously posting their best photos onto social media to share with others. Therefore, most people have essentially created, over time, a digital photo or memory album. Because of this more and more people want to print their personal social media pages, to create a memory album without any effort or stress. This allows our clients to have a beautiful photo album like what previous generations are used to (and is unfortunately not so common these days) but without the effort of printing and sorting through photos and with a more proffessional finish.


Print your Facebook or Instagram page

BlookUp turns digital media such as Facebook or Instagram accounts into beautifully made, hand-held books. Our Facebook and Instagram books have became our most popular products, with hundreds of clients transforming their social media pages into memory books which will last forever.

Why the shift from digital to paper?

It cannot be denied that we are living in a more and more digitalized world, which in many ways makes our lives easier. Today we are looking at tools like Facebook and Instagram which make it extremely easy for users to create digital photo albums while sharing their photos, storing all their best memories on their account. This saves a lot of time and effort which goes into creating traditional physical photo albums, when people would go to get photos printed then sit for hours sorting through and creating their book.

However it could be debated whether these digital Facebook and Instagram albums fully replace the original concept of a physical, hand-held album. Many would argue that there is no comparison to the feeling of flicking through pages of old memories with family or friends. After all, we spend so much time looking at screens these days it can be nice to have a break.

This is why BlookUp has created a way for you to have your physical book without the effort. By simply connecting your Facebook or Instagram account to our site you can turn your ready-made albums into a book in seconds, it has never been more simple.


Create your Facebook book

Print the contents of your Facebook page and create a beautiful memory book.

At BlookUP we specialize in creating personalized books from your social media, and our bestseller is our Facebook book. Keep reading to find out why our Facebook books are so popular, and how to create you own.

Why you should print your Facebook book.

Facebook is a good tool for documenting our best moments. However, we believe these memories deserve to be saved in a physical copy rather than just a digital one. Due to the digitalization of today and the fact we post all our photos, a lot of people miss out on the experience of flicking through a photo album with their family or friends looking back on their memories. It cannot be denied that this experience is incomparable to scrolling on your phone. With BlookUp you can enjoy this experience without having to take the time to print and organize your photos to make the book, as we do that for you.

How to print your Facebook book

Your book can be ready in seconds. Simply follow the link Create my Facebook Book , connect your Facebook account, and select the appropriate dates. Then in a matter of seconds, BlookUp will generate your book, including all posts and photos with the specified period.

Then you can customize your book to suit your taste. You can make changes to the front cover, the page layout and color scheme to make sure you have a book you will love.


You don’t have to waste a minute to print out your vacation photos and relive those moments all year round !

Since the start of your vacation, you’ve been sharing this adventure on your social networks.

Would you like to immortalize these moments and relive them ?

BlookUp has a solution that’s sure to please !

The cover of a blog album

In order to create your Blook, the content you want to turn into a book must be from : Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Blog, PDF.

Once you’ve chosen your social network, you can find the book you want to generate on our site.

Now all you have to do is generate your book and keep the memory of those good times!

BlookSpace: The memorial of your digital life

Preserve your digital content for free, share them and sell your blooks!

The BlookSpace is a unique marketplace for storing and protecting your digital data. In just a few clicks, you can publish and sell your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, blog or PDF book, and share it with your community!

New layout has been added to our BlookSpace. Check it now!

Click here to know more on how to share and sell your blook.

Blog book cover blue

A blog book ? It is possible, thanks to BlookUp !

Do you want to be able to consult your blog at any time and share it with all your loved ones in a simple and creative way? Don’t wait any longer to create your blook! Keep your writings and memories alive in a real social book.

In this new article, we will explain the main steps to create your blook! The choice between book or album, and the final step of ordering.

Continue reading “A blog book ? It is possible, thanks to BlookUp !”

Social media image dimensions : The perfect guide!

In order to differentiate yourself and create engagement, it is important to publish impacting photos on your social networks.

No matter if you are a brand or an individual, it is crucial to adapt your photo’s dimensions to each platform’s standards.

Here is the guide for image dimensions on all social networks !

Continue reading “Social media image dimensions : The perfect guide!”