Why should I print my Instagram?

Instagram plays such a big role in the daily lives of most young people today with over 70 percent of 20-29 year olds in the US being actives users of the app. Sharing memories and photos with our Instagram followers has become the way in which most people document their lives. This means you probably have a digital photo album in the form of an Instagram grid, filled with your favorite photos and memories. This rise in the use of social media, and specifically photo-based social media like Instagram, means fewer and fewer people have physical copies of their photos. While this digital age of instant photos can be a convenient way to capture your memories, there are certainly benefits to having a physical copy… here are three reasons why , at BlookUp, we think you should print your Instagram photos.

A photo-album without any fuss

Undeniably, the use of digital cameras and social media means people don’t have photo albums or physical copies of photos like they used to. This is understandable as people don’t want to make the effort of printing photos, buying a book and sorting through all the photos to create the book themselves. However, thanks to BlookUp you can have the luxury of a physical photo album without any effort as we generate your book, from your Instagram, in a matter of minutes. In a few clicks you can have your book made and on its way to you. In short, our Instagram books take advantage of the convenience of digital cameras and social media and use this to create your photo album.

Make the most of your insta photos

We know that people put a lot of effort in when capturing insta-worthy photos to post. While your photos may get some attention when you first post it, with the likes and comments coming in, the next day these photos are most likely forgotten about. With constant flow of new content posted to social media, your photos will have been lost in the Insta feed and chances are you will have also forgotten about it. Printing your insta photos and creating a photo-album, allows you to make the most of your photos by creating a beautiful album which you can look back on for years to come with friends and family, and truly appreciate the photos, giving them the attention they deserve.

A tangible treasure filled with your memories

Our Instagram books are a beautiful way to present your photos, and they allow you to have a physical, tangible treasure which documents your life, memories and adventures to look back on. A study carried out by ESPON in 2023 showed that 8 out of 10 people admit looking through a physical photo album makes them feel happy. What’s more, BlookUp uses high-quality, professional printers which produce gorgeous photo-albums, ensuring your photos are represented in the best light. Having an Instagram books also provides a layer of security , ensuing you will not loose these photos as there is always a risk of updates, hackers, viruses or even Instagram shutting down resulting in you loosing your digital photos.


Print your Instagram page

BlookUp specializes in turning your digital contant into beautiful paper books. We know that these days, people put a lot of effort into capturing the best photos for Instagram to share their favorite moments and memories. We believe these photos deserve to be printed and you deserve to have a physical representation of the digital photo album you have created. Not only does this act as an excellent memory book and showcase your photos, it ensures you always have a copy of you Instagram if anything was to ever happen to them. (because how much can we truly trust technology)

About our books

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All of our books are printed using the best technology, ensuring top-quality, elegant books which showcase your photos in the best light. All of our instagram books have the same layout with one photo per page and the captions displayed below. This allows you to truly appreciate each and every photo and memory.

Create your book today

Create a photo album from your Facebook page

In a world where digital photos are the norm, and we store all our memories onto digital albums through the use of social media – print your photos to truly cherish your memories which could otherwise be lost or forgotten.

Cherish your memories

While Facebook can be a useful tool to have all your photos saved to one place – once the photos are posted they can often be forgotten about. After posting on Facebook, the likes and comments from friends and family come flooding in and we are happy to have shared this moment with them. However, due to Facebooks constant stream of new content, your post is soon lost in the digital maze and you can often forget that these photos even exist. Therefore, having a physical copy of these photos means you can truly cherish these memories and can hava special physical representation of your best moments.

The return of physical photo albums

Of course our Facebook posts are not truly lost after posting and we could use our Facebook account to look at old memories . However, other than the fact that you are not likely to scroll back through your own Facebook posts, there are several advantages to having these photos in a physical book. In a world where we spend so much time in front of a screen, it can be nice to take a break from the digital world and bring back the experience of flicking through a physical photo album with loved ones.

Make the most of your digital content

In a world of where everyone is creating digital content, to what extent are we actually enjoying the content ourselves. At BlookUp we believe the work and effort we put into our social media posts whether that be Instagram, Facebook or a Blog deserves to be properly showcased and celebrated. This is why we help thousands of customers each year create beautiful books made from their digital content.

Celebrate a specific trip or time in your life

A lot of our clients have blogs or social media pages dedicated to specific trips that they have been on or specific periods in their life, which they want to commemorate. Although these digital accounts can make for a good souvenir, many people agree that having a physical book makes in a lot more special. Not only does a hand-held book allow you to show off the effort you have put into creating this content and showcase it in your home, it also allows you to easily share the photos and memories with members of the family who wouldn’t have access to social media.

Create a personal photo album without any stress

Some clients just want an album of their best photos. A lot of people in this digital age take photos of every event that occurs in their lives and are continuously posting their best photos onto social media to share with others. Therefore, most people have essentially created, over time, a digital photo or memory album. Because of this more and more people want to print their personal social media pages, to create a memory album without any effort or stress. This allows our clients to have a beautiful photo album like what previous generations are used to (and is unfortunately not so common these days) but without the effort of printing and sorting through photos and with a more proffessional finish.


Print your Facebook page and create your Facebook book

What is a Facebook book

BlookUp specializes in turning digital content into beautiful, hand-help books. Our Facebook books are made up of your own Facebook posts.

We share our best moments on Facebook so this is an easy way to create a beautiful memory book without any effort. By simply, connecting your Facebook account to our site, we will create your book in a matter of seconds.

What exactly will the Facebook book contain

The contents of the book will include all posts, photos, videos and visited locations on your page, within your specified time period. The number of likes and comments for each post will also be displayed. You have a choice of three different layout options, where you can have your content displayed in either 1, 2 or 3 colums depending on your desired look.


How to create your Facebook book

BlookUp specialises in creating beautiful memory books, using your digital content. One of our most popular products is our Facebook book. As you might have guessed, in order to create the Facebook book, we use your Facebook posts and transform them into a valuable, hand-held, paper copy of your best moments and memories. Printing your Facebook has never been easier, and in this blog we explain the very simple steps to creating your very own Facebook book.

1. Create a BlookUp account

Firstly, to place an order with us, you will need to create a BlookUp account. This allows you to save any books you’ve created, ensuring no work is lost and you can keep them in your library until you are ready to order.

2. Connect your Facebook account

Next, you simply need to connect your Facebook account so we can access the content to create your book.

If you wish to make a Facebook book of your own account you will need to login to the account using your personal details. However, there is also the option to create a fan page book. This is a book of another page which you do not have personal access to.

3. Choose your dates

Now, you will just need to let us know what dates you want the book to cover, by selecting the to and from dates. Whether you want a recap of a specific year or just the posts from a certain trip or period of your life, let us know.

Then, is a matter of seconds BlookUp will generate your book.

4. Edit and personalise your book

Now for the fun part. At this stage your book is fully available in your library and ready to be personalised. This is where you can change the colours, photos, fonts and layouts of the cover; choose your preferred layout of the pages; and make any desired changes to specific posts or pages.

5. Order your book

Just like that, your unique personalised memory book is ready to be ordered and could be with you in a matter of days.



Print your Facebook or Instagram page

BlookUp turns digital media such as Facebook or Instagram accounts into beautifully made, hand-held books. Our Facebook and Instagram books have became our most popular products, with hundreds of clients transforming their social media pages into memory books which will last forever.

Why the shift from digital to paper?

It cannot be denied that we are living in a more and more digitalized world, which in many ways makes our lives easier. Today we are looking at tools like Facebook and Instagram which make it extremely easy for users to create digital photo albums while sharing their photos, storing all their best memories on their account. This saves a lot of time and effort which goes into creating traditional physical photo albums, when people would go to get photos printed then sit for hours sorting through and creating their book.

However it could be debated whether these digital Facebook and Instagram albums fully replace the original concept of a physical, hand-held album. Many would argue that there is no comparison to the feeling of flicking through pages of old memories with family or friends. After all, we spend so much time looking at screens these days it can be nice to have a break.

This is why BlookUp has created a way for you to have your physical book without the effort. By simply connecting your Facebook or Instagram account to our site you can turn your ready-made albums into a book in seconds, it has never been more simple.


Transform your Facebook into a book

Today, Facebook and other social media sites are becoming the main place to keep all our photos and memories. Because of this accessibility to creating digital albums every time we post on Facebook, physical photo albums are a lot less common than they once were. At BlookUP, we believe digital albums do not compare to having a real physical book of memorabilia.

That’s why, BlookUp transforms your Facebook page into a beautiful book which will last a lifetime. This means, while still enjoying the convenience of a digital album and not having to take time to print photos and sot through photos you can still enjoy the sentiment that comes with a physical photo book.

Print your Facebook page

The first and most popular kind of Facebook book available at BlookUp is a book of your own personal Facebook page. In order to create a personal Facebook Book you have to have personal access to the account.

We post our best moments on Facebook, creating a timeline of our life, which makes for an excellent memory book. This book contains all the posts, photos, videos and locations you have shared with a chosen time period, as-well as the number of likes and comments for each post.

To create your personal Facebook page click here, connect your Facebook and select the dates you wish to use.

Print a Facebook Fan Page

The second kind of Facebook Book available at BlookUp is a Fan Page Book. These are for accounts which you do not have personal access to. For example if there is a page that has been created for a particular trip you’ve been on, or a group you’ve been apart of you can create a book including all the posts from that page. Or, you can create a Facebook book of your favorite singer, band or celebrity for example.

To create a fan page, send the URL of the page and the desired dates to sav@blookup.com, and someone from the team will create the book for you that day and add it to your library.
