Bookroo: children books in a box !

kids-readingDo you have children, nephews, nieces or godchildren?  Do you still have trouble finding what kind of books to offer them?

Our kind always used reading as a communication tool between generations. And as such, we want to transmit values, memories. But we can sometimes be afraid to impose them or to invest too early, to shock, to not be understood.In short, it’s not so easy to choose!

Well, take a deep breath because BlookUp found the perfect solution to offer books all year round without fearing the lack of idea!

Discover Bookroo!

The Bookroo logo Bookroo consists in a 1, 3, 6 or 12-month subscription. During which you will receive at home (within all US territory and also Canada, for an additional $11 per month). 

Each month, a box filled with books chosen for you in accordance with the way you filled out the subscription form!

Customization options are limited to the kids’ age (from 0 to 2 and 2 to 6). The idea is really to send you (or to the kids you are offering the gift to) books “that you don’t already know and are not easy to be found online or in stores”. 

Examples of books available in the Bookroo box
Those books, for example, were the ones sent during the last few months!


So it’s a whole surprise that is coming in a beautiful cardboard box, and within it, books separately and elegantly wrapped like presents!

Do you like the idea? Well, go to Bookroo now, choose your subscription time and spread culture, values and imagination all around you!

Print a mom blog, the new family album?

mom blogApproximately 1/3 of the world bloggers are moms!

It explains maybe the success of moms’ blogs in the blogosphere because the market is consequent but not only.

A little of voyeurism for a feeling of identification for the just cause.

First of all, the offer in an editorial register is rather didactic!  The press handling with the parenthood the fact often in a very serious way. The advice(councils) on coats(layers), night terrors, diversified food(supply), photos of banks of image it is good but the young mom of today also waits for notices closer to their universe and to their everyday life(daily paper).

It is thus into this crenel(niche) that Mom blogs rushed. The Mom blog is spontaneous and removed inhibitions. Girls as you and I – a little the same principle of the chorus girl next door – how explain you to get back of her evening of the old woman with her baby, how small darling put you really ill-at-ease with the baker, which app to download for 3-6 years or how difficult it is to assume all these roles: woman, mother, wife, working-girl , girlfriend…everyday.

The feelings, fears, moments of joy. This is what all mothers live and this creates a strong link between women, also called “mother ” strong solidarity or identification phenomenon. Who has never thrown a sympathetic look on mom at the supermarket checkout exasperated by his son screaming at whim in the cart, while saying “yes, all the same …” ?

Humor, irony and decline in your mom blog : I feel much better for that

And then there are women’s blogs, which deal with everything but also with the parenthood differently, because this one is a member of their story and thus their territory of expression. A beautiful feather, a highly-rated assumed trash and a sense of the mockery: the keys of the success, for a public so feminine as male. Mockery and humor, key principles in moms’ blogs which work.

Children muses in the collectors sentences

We also count moms’ blogs centred on the creation. Because once mother, we can find the inspiration, the other way in the life than the 35 hours to the office. Fashion designer or serial shoppeuse, photographer or illustrator. The examples are not lacking because the children are also muses.

And then, to speak about her own child, it is completely fascinating. It is the opportunity to post some photos for the family which lives at the other end of the hexagon, while telling anecdotes which we shall have doubtless forgotten in a few months. One of those where we say ourselves, “this one have I to note it”. Then here we are, mom’s blog it is made for it too to remember its history.
Actually, we almost want to assert that mom’s blog is to become the new family album and that fast. It is necessary to make the book, the Blook to offer to birthdays(anniversaries) and begin the annual collection.


Sorted blog books stacked

Sort your blog items ?

This can be very useful, especially if your readers are interested in a particular topic of your blog. But it can also serve you on Blook! To sort your a happy snap, first click on “View your categories in blook” (see below). This Will tie Contained icts Each class, and create categories in the Blook. Your blog items will no longer be sorted chronologically but by subject (within each theme include chronological order). Once you select or deselect a category in the table below, the other products will also be selected or deselected.

You can easily remove an entire category of items in your blook as your moods tickets for example.Even better, you can create multiple blooks on various topics, thanks to the categories. This is ideal if you dream of making a collection of your books… travel, decor, photography, cooking! Your articles need to be highlighted!