This tiny book is full of happiness !

This is the end of the week. The week-end is almost here, so we decided to share a lovely project with you.


The artist Evan made the tiniest book we have ever seen, untitled « The small pleasures of life ». The idea was to list all the little pleasures everybody can have in his everyday life : drinking a good coffee, reading a book, writing blog articles, watching the stars,… Every little pleasure, memory or feeling is summarized in a few words on one page, and illustred by a very simple drawing on the other page.

plaisir-odeur-pluie plaisir-livre-ballon

This is such a beautiful idea, full of happiness and poetry ! Every one should own this kind of book 🙂

plaisir-enlever-petit-truc-coince-dent plaisir-debarrasser-enveloppe-corporelle

