A Hardcover for your blooks is now available !

A Hardcover is the right cover to allow you to create For a unique book, a book that will last longer… Choose the right cover!


Since 2011, BlookUp always offered one unique type of cover, cardboard-made, soft and glossy, in order to bind all the pages of your digital life and keep them warm and sheltered for as long as possible.

Now, let’s move on to the top gear: Please welcome Hardcovers!


Ooooh that’s pretty


How can I get my Hardcover?

Go to your account or create a brand new blook from scratch, and select the hardcover option while customizing it!

The option is, for now, only available for:

  • Blogs Books
  • Facebook Books


We know thanks to you that the choice of the cover was just as essential as the choice of your contents, and that some writings deserved to be presented in a different way in order to be truly unique and personalized.

Softcovers were well-adapted for thin and simple books, but beginning now, hardcovers will give your contents a solemn and solid flair, like several volumes of an encyclopedia!

Hardcovers? Pure joy, we can assure you!


Do not wait anymore! Today, choose the cover that will showcase your book on BlookUp!

BlookUp: Blog, Medias, frequency, news and THANK YOU!

At the end of 2016, we gave you informations about BlookUp‘s blogging and social networking activities. Today, we – already- have to update you on the situation!



In the first place (yes, we start the article by the last element of our title, like some kind of blog punks), we would like to thank you from the bottom of our heart for your growing support, your shares, your commitment…

In 2017, significant subscriptions goals have been reached for all our communication platforms, and that is obviously thanks to you!


logo-wordpress-blueGOAL REACHED: 5,000 SUBSCRIBERS

The blog is still there, in French (here) and in English (here. Like, no, really, no need to click, you’re already there 😉 ), but as some have noticed, our publication rhythm has kind of declined; No more publications on Tuesdays and Fridays but don’t panic, we explain why!

The first reason to this is simply our desire to propose a unique rendez-vous, every Wednesday, in order to make every article more  like a weekly celebrity coming to sign autographs at a given time. Punctuality is key!

The second reason is also quite simple, and that’s…


Tumblr is the latest active network of BlookUp. This microblogging platform will be ideal to share with you the daily life of our startup!

Our Tumblr will be more like a Facebook page, a Twitter or an Instagram account, with a freer and more casual tone. The publications are to be short but more numerous, and this is why WordPress articles, longer and therefore more demanding in terms of research and writing, will be posted once a week to ensure their quality!

That being said, if you have a Tumblr account (or if you are just curious!), Subscribe to this new blog and enter the daily BlookUp life, joys, pains, environment, team… And much more!


Logo Facebook


Logo Twitter


Logo Instagram


(Click on the images to access the corresponding social network!)

There are also some changes on the social networks side, which regularly relay each publication from the WordPress blog (and soon Tumblr), and had a fairly fixed number of publications per day… Now we blow up the locks, get free, and we post, we share, we react live!

We are as well increasing the emphasis on mages… For the pure pleasure of the eyes!


So, are you ready to choose your favorite platform(s)? Subscribe, and don’t be shy: Participate! 😄

Family and childhood stories: using Blogging to share them !

Many people will say that writing is a great way to escape and think about something else. That’s exactly the case for Brian, who used his blog as a way to share and record his childhood and family stories.

Tell us a little bit about yourself : Your passions, your hobbies, your projects…

I’m married, with two teen children (one boy, one girl). Besides family, my passion is fishing. I live in Seattle, which is an amazing place to satisfy my fishing “addiction”, where we fish for halibut, cod, rockfish, crab, shrimp, and yes, even albacore tuna in the summer.

Brian Leonard holding two fish on a dock

What is your blog about and why did you want to address this subject when starting it?

My blog is about stories from my childhood. It’s extremely personal. I’m almost 50 years old, and as I get older, I’m sure it will become more and more difficult to remember the people, places, and occurrences of my youth. So I set out to spend an hour or two every week to just think about my past, and memorialize those moments in writing, so that my children will know more about me, and why some of the people in my past influenced me in wonderful ways to make me who I am today.

What content (articles, illustrations) are you the most proud of?

I truly enjoy writing. I don’t know why…I don’t know how, but people tell me I’m good at it. I’m really writing with my children in mind, in a way that I hope best connects with them when they’re older. But if I were to look forward 20 years, and saw that my son or daughter was laughing, or crying with joy by what I’ve written, and their memories of me – that’s what I would be most proud of.

What do you like the most about blogging?

Being able to write whatever I want, with no worry about consequences. Most of my writing is work related, so it’s refreshing to write purely for myself.

Why did you want to turn your  family blog into a book?

A few members of my family follow my blog. But last year, I happened to learn about BlookUp, and I had an “Aha!” moment: Let’s make my blog into a book, and send it as Christmas gift to my parents and siblings, who are all in my stories.

How did you find out about BlookUp?

I can’t remember.

What did you think about the making process of your blook? Did you encounter any difficulties or issues?

Very little. The only disconnect was one of culture: In the US, we put our Table of Contents at the front of the book. When I requested this, you made it happen. I would like the ability to be a little more creative with the artwork and fonts. The choices were somewhat limited, but it was good enough.

Do you enjoy the final result? What does your family and friends think about your blook?

Yes, I really liked what I ended up with. Everyone loves it!

Would you recommend BlookUp and/or use it again in the future?


Thank you so much Brian for this interview, the team is glad you love your blook! You guys can read Brian’s stories on his blog right here!

Turn your blog into a book with BlookUp!

Are you part of the 250 million people who own a blog all around the world ? Whether you blog for fun or make a living out of it, BlookUp gives you the opportunity to turn your blog into an actual paper book.

Make your own blook and join the 12 000 other bloggers who did the same before you!

Printing your blog? But…why? There are a lot of reasons why you should print your blog, here are the main ones.


1 – First and foremost, to protect your content

As seen in the news recently, nobody’s safe from a bug that would ultimately delete our blogs.

Unfortunately, we cannot predict what will become of our blogs in the next 5, 10 or 20 years. By then, it is likely that a lot of data will disappear.

2 – There is nothing like a book.

There is something exhilarating in holding the result of countless hours of writing, you should try!

 Once you will receive your blook, you will experience the feeling of flipping through the pages full of articles and pictures, feel the authenticity of the paper under your fingertips and you will ask yourself. “How come I didn’t make my blook earlier?”.

3 -It adds extra value to your work

Printing a blog allows its author to experience it on another perspective.

Very few are those who take the time to dive into their archives full of old pictures, stories and memories.

You will realize what a year, or even a lifetime worth of writing looks like. 

With a book, you see your content in a new light, rediscover your articles and relive your best moments in pictures!

You add something truly unique to your work when you make a book, something that makes you proud and arouses admiration of others. Because making the book of your blog is a unique experience, after all, you are making YOUR book.

Making your blook is a creative process, the bloggers who decide to make theirs customize the cover and page layout thus bringing to life what used to be a digital object and turning it into a  book everyone can share and enjoy. 

The result of this process is truly priceless ! Because blogs are often personal, they are about families and friends, they require a lot of time and dedication to put into them, whether it be for the writing, posting on social media, or even interact with the readers.

The more the authors put time into their blog, the more they want to keep a written record of it. In a world where everything tends to be over-digitized and the content ephemeral, there is something truly special and almost relieving in putting aside the internet for a while and immortalizing your blog in the form of a book.

4 – It is the best way to keep it close to you!

There is nothing like a book to read through your blog posts again and again, sharing anecdotes and remembering some events. All while being comfortably seated on your couch! Say what you want about tablets, kindles and laptops, but nothing matches the authentic experience of a book…plus it is waaay more convivial!

5 – You can share it with the people close to you!

Share your blook or offer a copy to your relatives and your friends and see how they experience your blog page after page. Everything is real and authentic, they will be holding in their bare hands the result of your work and it is more pleasant than having to read the articles on a computer screen.  Also, remember that not everyone in your family (take your parents or grand parents as an example) is comfortable with using devices like a tablet or a laptop, and for them what you call “blogging” is something they might not understand. Luckily for them, BlookUp has THE solution: offering them a printed copy of your blog!

6 – You can sell it!

Your book can have a real monetary value if the content you wrote interests other people. BlookUp, gives you the possibility to make your blook “public”, this way it will appear on the BlookshopYou can sell it at the price you want and tell you friend to check it out on BlookUp and order it online! Who knows, this might be the beginning of your career as a writer that just started!

What will my book look like?

Electric blue paper-wrapped bookWith BlookUp you can make all kinds of books. Here are some tips to help you getting started:

First you have to create your blook by choosing among all the platform the one you want to import your blog from and selecting your favorite articles, or by defining a time period (“Articles from 2016…”  or a theme. You can also choose to only keep the pictures and make an album or remove all of them. Here are all the different formats and platforms you can choose from:

  • 15×15 cm (Instagram only)
  • 15×21 cm and 20×27 cm (blog book formats)
  • 15×14,8 cm and 21×29,7 cm  (PDF only)
  • 19×26 cm (Facebook only)

You  can order a single book if you want to! You can print as many books as you want and benefit from an excellent manufacturing quality thanks to on-demand digital printing. 

Print the books of your Facebook and Instagram!

blook-facebook-first-pageIf you do not own a blog you can always print a book out of your Facebook page or Instagram. Nowadays people like to share everything they do on social media. And while we tend to create more and more content online, BlookUp  takes it the other way around by Immortalizing your digital content in form of paper books.

The Facebook book is available in an exclusive format (20×26 cm) and lets you choose between 2 different layouts (2 or 3 columns). You can choose a time period over which you want to import your content from. BlookUp automatically imports all the content you published on your Facebook page  automatiquement tout le contenu publié sur votre compte Facebook (statuses, photos videos, places you visited, comments…) then you can choose the types of content you want to appear on your blook as well as the number of comments.

That’s exactly the same with Instagram! You can choose the pictures you want to keep along with the time period. Your book will be printed in a 15×15 cm format.instagram-blook-opened-flowers

How can I create my book? Is it complicated?

You can start by importing your blog (Go ahead, you can do that for free!) by clicking on the platform you want to import content from. Then all you have to do is to register and go with the flow!

As we previously mentioned, you can customize your blook in a lot of different ways (Types of content, font, page layout, cover, etc…) Once you are happy with your book, you can order it and you will receive it within 15 business days.

They tried it and they loved it!

Grisélidis, founder of Yes We Blog.


“You spend hours writing articles for your blog, taking pictures and editing them. But even though it is a thing in the digital world, you still can’t touch it. It’s not like a good old book you’d be reading at the parc. Having your blog on a book format adds another dimension to this little place of the internet that we love and take care of. I also think that it is a very cute and friendly way of sharing what we do with people who are not very familiar with web-related stuff. Believe it or not, but there are still quite a lot of people that are not so interested in the internet.”

Marion Legras, globetrotter and blogger


“Our blog contains all the 367 articles about the 19 countries we visited and more than five times as many pictures we wanted to keep in the form of a series of books dedicated to this dream come true. It was very important for us to keep a written record of our memories abroad, that all our writings and pictures will not be forever imprisoned behind a computer screen or lost somewhere inside a folder. These books allow us to dive into these wonderful memories at any moment and there is nothing that can match this feeling!”

Pauline Savary, author of “Pauline savary’s daily

pauline-savary-daily“It is an interesting project with a lot of advantages. Whoever is looking for a job and wants to keep a tangible record of his/her blog (assuming that the said blog is relevant for the job), easily readable and enhanced by the paper format and/or with exclusive content, will certainly be intrigued. Blookup will prove interesting to professional bloggers, fashion bloggers and photographers who are very focused on design and visuals. It is also a good idea to offer it a gift. As for the commercial aspect of the books, that remains to be seen…”

Sandra, nerdy mom, author of “Le blog d’une maman geekette


Blookup is a great way of keeping track and promoting your blog. It can be offered to your parents or grand parents and can also be an excellent memory for  wedding blogs.”


Andy Smith, turning 10 years’ worth of paintings into books!

Do you like art?  Yeah we thought so.

In this week’s interview Andy Smith tells us about his love for watercolor painting, the challenge of “A Painting A Day” he took on years ago and the process of making a blook out of his work!

Andy Smith Drawing



Continue reading “Andy Smith, turning 10 years’ worth of paintings into books!”

Index Update: New fonts and Index Options


A font board Your blog has its atmosphere, its personality, and its paper version must absolutely reflect it? After several weeks of testing and researching, we finally found the fonts you needed to make your blook more unique and extraordinary!

In addition to Arial and Times New Roman, choose THE font that will have the honor to represent the spirit of your blog among the 7 new proposed:

Economica, DejaVuSans, Lato, Free Serif, Noto Sans, Noto Serif and Courier New


blook-example-table-of-contentsNot everyone needs a table of content in his or her blook, and we have been asked several times to make this feature optional, or to have the possibility to place the index at the beginning of the book instead of the end.

Weel, starting today, choose to keep your index or not, and to place it before or after your main content!choice-table-of-contents

How to keep your blooks longer: Update!

A more flexible archiving system!

a hand taking a book out of a digital library

Your feedback is always valuable to us and thanks to it, we understood that for our users, creating a blook project is a long-term project. The creation of a book is quick in itself, but the most important is its personalization: You want your blook to be unique, and we can only agree with that!

This personal touch, you want to be able to bring it at your own pace, without feeling rushed.

Thus, in order to avoid the loss of books carefully layouted by our users, our archiving system has been revised!

Non-Ordered Blooks

  • Will be deleted only the blooks that reached the 3 months (90 days) limit without being edited
  • Any modification (new cover, change of title, modified article, etc) will restart the 3 months period from the date of the modification
  • The date of last modification is displayed in the blook’s informations, alongside the creation date.

Ordered Blooks

  • Blooks ordered at least once are always kept for 3 years and are definitively deleted after this period if they have not been ordered again
  • Any new order of a blook will restart the 3 years period from the date of the last order
  • The date of the last order is displayed in the blook’s informations, alongside the creation date

How to save your already created book Click on the image to see what’s new in your account!


We will continue to send an automatic mail 7 days before the suppression of the blooks in order to warn you of the remaining time and ask you to modify your book if you wish to keep it longer!

So if you have a blook project waiting on BlookUp, the time to save it is now!

New PDF files printing formats: Update!


Do you have a manuscript in progress? Are you about to finalize your memoirs, your novel your recipes book or poetry? Are you demanding about the formatting of your work or do you like to break the codes of conventional layouting?

Your document is ready and your dream is to hold its first physical copy in your hands? What a joy it would be to have this unique prototype created on demand, to finally see what it’d look like, to read it again and again, to share it, to expose it! Who knows, maybe this is just the beginning of a fruitful and triumphant literary career!

In order to help you realize your writing projects and the dream of printing in professional quality your very first book, BlookUp has revised its printing formats!


Printing formats better suited to PDF files!

Say goodbaye to the not-so-handy “magazine” format and to the “standard” format that can’t be properly aligned with your other books! Now print your PDF files in the following formats:

  • A4 (21×29,7 cm – 8,27×11,70 inch)
  • A5 (14,8×21 cm – 5,82×8,27inch)

No need to adapt your documents manually, you only have to create and import! It’s easy, and it’s now on BlookUp !

The book of your Facebook: Choose your Content!

A few months ago, we asked you to share your thoughts about our new product, the book of Facebook, and your opinion really mattered to us!

Our inquiry pointed out that for our users, one of the main key points to a well-done Facebook book was to be able to select the types of content that truly reflected their social adventure. Today with BlookUp, you are the only one to decide what you want to keep from your profile, administrated page or favorite Fan page!

Are you a photography master? Choose to keep only your albums! Do you usually write long, motivating tirades? Choose to transform your publications into a book worthy of the name!

A book with Facebook content

How do I choose the contents I want?

Create a new blook or edit a Facebook book that you already began a few days / weeks / months ago. Then go to the 2nd step of the customization process!

Here you’ll find again the usual layout choices (2 or 3 columns). As well as the possibility to reduce your publication interval in order to better target your contents (within the interval that you already chose during Step 1) and the possibility to choose them properly!


You can select one or more type·s of content, and decide whether to keep the index or not!

If you chose the option “Import Comment” in step 1 but are having second thoughts and rather remove them. You just have to set the “maximum comments” on 0.

Warning ! The maximum comments you can get depend on the popularity of the page or profile you are trying to import. You can therefore vary from blook to blook!

So, are you ready to personalize the book of your favorite social network with BlookUp?

Chose your best content!

And turn your Facebook experience into a beautiful paper book with 15% off thanks to the MARCHBLOOK coupon code, valid until 14/03/2017!