Print your PDF book

All memories deserve to be preserved. Whether it is a trip, a meeting or a birth, they all have a special place in our lives.

BlookUp exists not only to help you preserve your social data but also to help you bring out the creative side in you.
Can you format a document? Then the PDF book is for you.

How to create a PDF book ?

Format your content with the software of your choice. Convert your document into a PDF that you upload to our site. Customize your cover with our tool.

All you have to do is print your PDF.

Print your Canalblog book

Canalblog is a platform for the creation, publication and hosting of blogs.

You are a canalblog user and you want to print your blog content?
BlookUp has developed for you an innovative technology that allows you to import your content and print it.

What do we import from your CanalBlog blog ?

BlookUp will import your posts in their entirety so that the blog book is as representative as possible of your online post.

We also import the category, date, tags to allow you to organize your blook according to the most relevant criteria. But first, you need to enter your login details for this to work.

Once we have imported all the necessary data, you can use it to produce your custom blog book by customizing it.

I create my blog book from Canalblog !!!

Print your Blogspirit book

Blogspirit, is a hosting platform that allows you to create blogs. Some of the services offered to members are free, others are not. 

What do we import from your Blogspirit blog ?

BlookUp will import your posts in their entirety so that the blog book is as representative as possible of your online post.

We also import the category, date, tags to allow you to organize your blook according to the most relevant criteria. But first, you need to enter your login details for this to work.

Once we have imported all the necessary data, you can use it to produce your custom blog book by customizing it.

I create my blog book from Blogspirit !!!

Print your Skyrock book is a website that offers its registered members a free personal online space. This space allows them to create a blog, add profiles and exchange messages with other registered users.

BlookUp has developed for you an innovative technology that allows you to import your content.

What do we import from your Skyrock blog ?

BlookUp will import your posts in their entirety so that the blog book is as representative as possible of your online post.

We also import the category, date, tags to allow you to organize your blook according to the most relevant criteria. But first, you need to enter your login details for this to work.

Once we have imported all the necessary data, you can use it to produce your custom blog book by customizing it.

I create my blog book from Skyrock !!!

Print your Overblog book

You are an Overblog user and you want to print the content of your blog and offer it to your loved ones for the holidays ?

BlookUp has developed for you an innovative technology that allows you to import your content and print it.

What do we import from your Overblog blog ?

BlookUp will import your posts in their entirety (title, text, photo,…) so that the blog book is as representative as possible of your online post.

We also import the category, date, tags to allow you to organize your blook according to the most relevant criteria, but first you have to enter your login details for it to work. 

Once we have imported all the necessary data, you can use it to produce your custom blog book by customizing it.

I create my blog book from Overblog !

Print the book of your WordPress blog !

WordPress is a free platform used to create websites or blogs. With over 60 million users worldwide, wordpress is the leading website platform.

You own a blog or a website and you want to print your content? BlookUp offers you to create in one click the blog book from a WordPress blog.

What are the elements we import from your WordPress blog ?

BlookUp will import your posts in their entirety (title, text, photo,…) so that the blog book is as representative as possible of your online post.

We also import the category, date, tags to allow you to organize your blook according to the most relevant criteria.

BlookUp has developed an innovative technology that fetches complete information directly from the core system of your WordPress blog (API). That’s why you have to enter your login details for this to work.

Once we have imported all the necessary data, you can use it to produce your custom blog book by customizing it.

I create my blog book from my WordPress blog !

Enjoy your reading !!!

What is a blook?

The blook. We talk to you about it every day all over our website but do you know what this word means? We give you the definition!

The blook is a term resulting from a contraction between the English terms book and blog.

BlookUp not only allows you to import your blog but your social networks as well. It is the possibility to customize and shape them as you like and to print them so you can keep track of all your online work, your best moments with your family and friends. All these souvenirs will now be at hand’s reach, ready to be comfortably read again: Immerse yourself into those immortalized instants, share them hand to hand, offer them as a gift and perpetuate your digital experience by turning your favorite social network or blog into a beautiful book you can carry around with you: Your blook, it’s the proof of your involvement in the world wide web,, the stone you brought to build the internet!

Do not waste time ! Start creating your blook now.

Create several volumes : it’s an easy game!

Do you have a lot of contents that you want to print them but you are afraid that they won’t fit in 1 book? BlookUp is here to help you 🙂

BlookUp team always made sure to simplify the life of their customers by creating new tools or updating their system. Therefore, they have introduce a tool where you can create several volumes and print all you contents of your social media or your blog in just one click.

There is 2 simple steps to follow:

1- You start by importing your content to the blook of your choice. Once done, a pop up message will appear on your screen.

You have to add your first volume, of course after the editing , to your cart in order to start the next one.

2- Once you add it to your cart, another message will pop up and all you have to do is click on “make next volume”.

You should repeat the steps until all your contents are imported in 2 or more blooks. Be aware that once we detect that all your posts are well split in the blooks we stop showing the second message.

Finally, all you have to do is place your order and wait for your blooks collection to arrive!

Print your travel blog

When you go on a trip, you always want to keep in touch with your relatives and keep a track of those beautiful moments… And the best way to do that is very simple: make a blog and write all about your adventures!

BlookUp allows you to easily import your digital contents to make them into a beautiful book to remember every moment of your journey! In order to do that, you have to prepare your blog: insert legends under your photos, check misspellings and the order of your posts, add categories.

All you have to do then is to select the posts you want to be printed in your blook (contraction of the words “blog” and “book”): and that’s it! You’re free to create several books from one blog, one per year or one per country.

BlookUp allows you to print the book of your blog from one copy, with a price according to the number of pages, that you receive directly at home. You keep all the copyrights, and you can also decide to make your blook public and sell it in our BlookSpace!

That’s it: you’re ready for your big adventure and become a great blogger (and blooker)!