Should I print my Blog?

Are you wondering where we got the name ‘BlookUp’? … blog + book = Blook

At BlookUp we have been turning clients blogs into gorgeous handheld books for 14 years, and we printed for thousands of happy bloggers. While we admit that the digital blog can be a great tool, nothing compares to reading a physical book.

Not convinced? Here are 3 reasons why we believe in the Blook:

The pleasure of reading a physical book

In a world which is becoming more and more digital, sometimes being able to read a physical book can be so relaxing. We already spend so much time in front of a screen. Whether it be for work or aimlessly scrolling on social media, all this screen time is not good for us. Therefore, at BlookUp we believe we should be able to look back on our blogs and memories, while taking a break from our screens. It cannot be denied that holding a real book and turning paper pages is so much more relaxing than scrolling through your blog on a screen. Everyone could benefit from a break from the digital world.

Enjoy your blog with your family

Due to this digitalisation of the world we live in, the older generation and young children are often left out. Without having physical copies of photos or blog entries, it can be difficult to share these with older members of you family who are unsure of the digital world, as well as young children who are yet to have access. Avoid the difficulties of trying to get your grandchildren or toddlers to understand the blog while crowded round a screen and just show them the book. This also brings back the family experience of flicking through a memory book or photo book, which is becoming less and less popular today.

Showcase your work

We know that bloggers put a lot of time, work and love into their blogs. That’s why we believe having a physical representation of what you’ve created is so important. Your blook is something you can hold, show-off and be proud off. As we use state of the art printers at BlookUp and create chic, stylish looking books we’d highly recommend placing this on show in your home.

Reasons for printing your blog

At BlookUp we appreciate that a lot of time and effort goes into creating your blog, and we believe this deserves to be appreciated. there is no better way to appreciate your work than with a beautiful hand-held copy to show-off.

Don’t let your blog posts be forgotten

It is certain that blogs are excellent tools for sharing information, experiences and memories with your community. However, despite the attention a blog post may get after posting, due to the never ending flow of new content uploaded to blog sites and to the internet, these posts can soon be buried beneath it all. There is constantly new content to consume, new blogs to read, new videos to watch, meaning your blog posts risk being lost and forgotten by both your readers and yourself.

Printing your blog allows you to have a beautiful book to look back on with friends and family. By keeping your photos, blog entries and memories purely in your digital blog, you are eliminating the experience of going through a memory book with your family.


BlookUp offers automatic layout of your Blook content. It also lets you personalize your Blook to suit your tastes and preferences.

The customization tools are on the left of your screen.

You can customize your Blook using three tools: Content, Appearance and Preview.


This tool lets you influence the selection of your content. In other words, it lets you decide which publications you want to appear in your book, organize the selection of your content, add or remove new elements. It also lets you modify your text or caption.


This tool lets you personalize your cover by modifying the color, title, cover photo, font, etc. It also lets you add a summary to your book, change the cover format (soft or hard) or the book format (single or album). It also lets you add a summary to your book, change the cover format (soft or hard) or the book format (single or album).


This tool allows you to save your changes. Once your Blook has been created and customized, the next step is to validate your order.

Our customer service team is also available to help you if you have any questions or encounter any technical problems during the creation of your Blook.


Do you have several Twitter accounts and want to combine all your tweets into a single book ?

BlookUp has the solution for you !

Add up to 12 Twitter accounts at once in a single book !

How do I go about it ?

It’s so simple !

1- Log on to the BlookUp website

2- Choose your Twitter book

3- Create your book by adding links to your accounts

And your book is ready in minutes !


BlookUp is a platform that lets you print your social networks.

You’ll have years of work, sharing and, above all, memories in your hands.

Yes, you’ve understood correctly, you can create your book from your various accounts:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Blog
  • WordPress
  • PDF


it’s very simple you just have to create an account on the BlookUp website.

Then all you have to do is give BlookUp access to the platform you’re using.

Once you’ve uploaded your content to the BlookUp platform, all you have to do is select the dates you want to appear in your book, and your book is ready in just a few minutes !


Do you have a PDF and want to turn it into a book ?

BlookUp lets you format your content using the software of your choice, convert your document into a PDF and upload it to our :

Personalize your book with our tool and voilà !

All that’s left to do is print your PDF on quality paper, in A5 format, with a soft cover and matte finish ideal for showcasing your densest work. Whether you’re writing a novel, composing songs and poems, drafting business documents, creating comics or simply have a keen idea of what the perfect layout is, then your PDF book is for you !


You want to go to threads but you still want to keep the memory of your twitter account.

BlookUp has the solution !

Thanks to BlookUp, you can create a book of your Twitter, and a book of your 100 most-loved tweets.

To create your own book, visit our BlookUp website.

Once on the site, click on discover all our books.

After this step, simply click on the Twitter book you want and your book is generated in seconds !


The BlookCloud is a secure storage space for preserving and protecting your digital publications. So you can keep track of your data published on your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter accounts, and your blogs.



1- Simply log in to your BlookUp account.

2- Click on the menu on the left of the page.

3- Click a second time on BlookCloud.

4- Then subscribe and save your blooks.


SKYBLOGS will disappear for good on August 21.
Fortunately, there’s a way to save your blog.
BlookUp offers you the opportunity to create your own blog book.
To create your book, simply visit our BlookUp website.
Once on the site, simply create a BlookUp account, then click on discover all our books.

Then click on I discover the book on my blog.

And now all you have to do is create your Blook and keep the memory of your blog.

Some photo book ideas you didn’t think of

Photo book lover. You’ve got a yearbook on the shelf, a vacation photo book, a wedding photo book, a pet photo book and just about every photo book. What’s left to fill the shelf?

There are tons of photo book ideas out there just waiting to be put to use. It’s all about not being afraid to try something a little different. To help you out, we’ve come up with a few photo book ideas you may not have thought of.

The Instagram book

Our Instagram photo book, with its clean and elegant aesthetic, puts the spotlight on the image and allows you to lay down all your best photographs on satin paper. Choose the publication period you’re interested in and select the photos you want to save, customize your cover and, in a few minutes, get the most beautiful photo album of your social life on Instagram!

The book of your Facebook fan page

Some photo book ideas you didn’t think ofTo make your Facebook fan page, you have to send us by e-mail or by the “help” tab on the right:

  • the URL of your Fan page.
  • the date you want to start your book.
    Don’t forget to create a BlookUp account, it’s free, we will upload your book within 24 hours.

Whether you are a freelance community manager, a company, a brand, or simply a creative person, you have built a solid image and identity thanks to your Facebook page. Showcase your work in a unique way: Print your Facebook posts in less time than it takes to say “I like”! Get all your statuses, photos, videos, places visited, as well as the number of likes, comments and shares obtained for each of them, over the period of your choice.

Select the content you want to save, customize your cover and interior layout (in 1, 2 or 3 columns) and here is your work transformed into a personalized book faithfully transcribing the spirit of your Facebook Page 🙂

The book of the 100 best Tweets

You already know your Twitter statistics by heart, but do you really realize what your followers like about you? We have the perfect book for that: Your Top 100 Most Liked Tweets!

This Twitter colours-inspired book will rank your tweets depending on the number of likes and retweets your community gave them, from 100th to 1st in order to keep the suspens alive until the last moment. Choose the period of time you want to rank the posts from, and we will automatically lay out for you the tweets (back as far as 3,200) your followers loved the most so you can have them saved and printed!

The PDF book

Lay out your content thanks to your favorite software, convert your document to a PDF file and upload it to our websitecustomize your cover and there you go! All you have to do is print your PDF on quality paper, in an A5 format made to showcase your most dense works.

Wether you are a writer, a composer, an institutional redactor, a comic author or simply having a very precise idea of what the perfect layout looks like, the Book of your PDF is made for you!

The book of your blog

Whatever blogging platform you chose, you spent several hours polishing your articles, refining your pictures, sharing passions and life moments. Blogging is a full-time job that deserves being immortalized, and nothing will do it better than the book of your Blog!