Is it possible? BlookUp has the solution for you !

If you’re writing a novel, composing songs and poems, drafting professional documents, creating comic strips, writing your diary or memoirs, or if you simply have a very specific idea of what the perfect layout is, then your PDF book or PDF album is for you !

BlookUp has developed an innovative technology that allows you to import your PDF in just a few minutes. Then print them in a 14.8×21 cm or 21×29.7 cm book on beautiful paper.

The book of my PDF 14,8×21 cm

My PDF album 21×29.7 cm

A powerful editing tool will enable you to organize your blook according to the most relevant criteria and correct any spelling mistakes. We look forward to seeing you at


In today’s fast-paced world, how can you find the time to create your own book? In this article, you’ll find all the information you need to create your own blook blog.

Our partners

To create your blook, the content you want to turn into a book must be one of our partners: WordPress, Blogger/Blogspot, Blogspirit, High And Loud or Canalblog.

Customization options

A blog blook can be a The blog book (format 15x21cm) or a Blog Album (format 20x27cm). The “Formatting” section of the editor lets you easily :

1- Choose a predefined layout style

2- Change the font and size of your titles and texts. Plus, just one size for your images

3- Select the position of your table of contents, or choose not to display it

Modify content

The “Organize your content” section lets you:

1- Use the date selection tool

2- Sort your items by category: click on “Chapter mode”.

3- Reverse the order of all your articles at once

4- Deselect or select all your items at once

5- Individually include or exclude

6- Reorder articles

7- To modify the content of each article individually

6- Reorder articles8- Add new photos and change text

Don’t wait any longer to create and personalize your Blook !


BlookUp understands the importance you place on your pages, and has decided to bring them to life even more…

Whether you’re an Influencer in your spare time, a business or even a self-employed entrepreneur, BlookUp gives you the chance to turn your page into a real book, laid out and printed.

Print your page ? But why ? There are many good reasons to print your page fan book. Here are the main ones :

1 – Back up your production

We’re not immune to the possibility of a computer bug erasing our content. Unfortunately, we can’t know what will happen to the pages in 5, 10 or 20 years’ time. By then, a great deal of data may have been deleted.

2 -Nothing beats a printed paper book

To have in your hands the content you’ve patiently and passionately written is so exhilarating ! Give it a try ! Once you’ve received your blook, you’ll start flipping through it, touching the paper, feeling the pages turn under your fingers and your images scroll before your eyes… you’ll say to yourself, “Why didn’t I do it sooner ?

3 – A real tool for promoting your work

Printing your blog also allows its author to rediscover his or her blog in another way. Very few bloggers take the time to delve into their archives, which are full of old photos, stories and other memories. You’ll realize just how much writing has been done over the course of a year, or even a lifetime.

In a book, you can rediscover your production, reread your posts and relive your fondest memories in pictures !


BlookUp has created a unique space for storing and protecting digital data. In just a few clicks, you can publish, share and sell your Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Blog or PDF book, and share it with your community !

Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your blook and make you want to buy it.

Think of your blook as a book in its own right, not just a book about your blog.

On the Internet, we sometimes tend to let ourselves go: content is not read in the same way and is often ephemeral. But our culture places a certain importance on the book: the cover must be well-crafted, the photos of good quality, the typography and spelling meticulous.

Don’t forget that you can create your own personalized cover and import it into BlookUp very easily in the “appearance” section. Remember, whoever buys your book will appreciate having a finished product in their hands !

Share your Blook as much as you can !

Once you’ve created your blook, don’t forget to share it. You’re the best person to sell your blook and your own content ! The first vector for sharing is of course our BlookSpace, but don’t neglect social networks, because all the interactions made on your publications (shares, likes, comments, retweets and favorites). This will enable you to reach people you don’t know, who might also be interested in your work.

Don’t forget the theme and price of your blook !

Preserve your digital content for free, share it and sell your blooks !


Do you have a lot of content you’d like to print, but are afraid it won’t fit into a single book ? BlookUp is here to help !

BlookUp is here to make life easier for its customers by creating new tools or updating their systems. As a result, they’ve introduced a tool where you can create multiple tomes and print all your social network or blog content with a single click.

There are 2 simple steps to follow :

1- Start by importing your content into the blook of your choice. Once finished, a pop-up message will appear on your screen.

You must add your first volume to your shopping cart in order to purchase the next one.

2- Once you’ve added it to your basket, another pop-up message will appear, and all you have to do is click on “Make next volume”.

Repeat these steps until all your content has been imported into 2 or more blooks. Please note that once we’ve detected that all your posts are properly distributed among the blooks, we’ll stop displaying the second post.

Now your Blooks are ready, all you have to do is place your order and wait for your Blooks collection to arrive !


Want to print your profile? Choose your Facebook book !

Please note: to create your Facebook Fan page, you need to send us an e-mail or click on the “help” tab opposite:

  • the URL of your Fan page.
  • the date on which you’d like to start your book.
    Don’t forget to create a free BlookUp account, where we’ll upload your book within 24 hours.

Whether you’re a freelance Community Manager, a company, a brand, or simply a creative person, you’ve built a solid image and identity thanks to your Facebook page.

Promote your work in a unique way: Print your Facebook posts in just a few minutes !

Retrieve all your statuses, photos, videos, places visited, as well as the number of likes, comments and shares obtained for each of them, over the period of your choice.

Select the content you want to save, customize your cover and interior layout, and your work is transformed into a personalized book that captures the spirit of your Facebook Page.


Add an extra personal touch to your PDF Book or Album with its cover !

1- First, choose a color that reflects the spirit of your book

2- Choose a cover style to give character to your blook! Make sure you choose a high-quality image (at least 885×1240 pixels for PDF Books and at least 1192×1554 pixels for PDF Albums)

3- Fill in the title, subtitle and author name you want to appear here. These fields are filled in by default

4- Select an image from your computer to integrate into an existing template

5- Write your biography and the summary of your book: Be careful with the number of characters, make sure that everything appears on your preview !

6- Select an image from your computer to be used as the author’s portrait for your 4th cover.


BlookUp offers automatic layout of your Blook content. It also lets you personalize your Blook to suit your tastes and preferences.

The customization tools are on the left of your screen.

You can customize your Blook using three tools: Content, Appearance and Preview.


This tool lets you influence the selection of your content. In other words, it lets you decide which publications you want to appear in your book, organize the selection of your content, add or remove new elements. It also lets you modify your text or caption.


This tool lets you personalize your cover by modifying the color, title, cover photo, font, etc. It also lets you add a summary to your book, change the cover format (soft or hard) or the book format (single or album). It also lets you add a summary to your book, change the cover format (soft or hard) or the book format (single or album).


This tool allows you to save your changes. Once your Blook has been created and customized, the next step is to validate your order.

Our customer service team is also available to help you if you have any questions or encounter any technical problems during the creation of your Blook.


Do you have several Twitter accounts and want to combine all your tweets into a single book ?

BlookUp has the solution for you !

Add up to 12 Twitter accounts at once in a single book !

How do I go about it ?

It’s so simple !

1- Log on to the BlookUp website

2- Choose your Twitter book

3- Create your book by adding links to your accounts

And your book is ready in minutes !


You don’t have to waste a minute to print out your vacation photos and relive those moments all year round !

Since the start of your vacation, you’ve been sharing this adventure on your social networks.

Would you like to immortalize these moments and relive them ?

BlookUp has a solution that’s sure to please !

The cover of a blog album

In order to create your Blook, the content you want to turn into a book must be from : Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Blog, PDF.

Once you’ve chosen your social network, you can find the book you want to generate on our site.

Now all you have to do is generate your book and keep the memory of those good times!