Interview: The social media books of the Museum of Contemporary Arts in Lyon.

We would like to thank Muriel Jaby, head of the communication department at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Lyon, for taking the time to answer our questions about the use of social media books within the museum

Here are three questions we asked her.

The social media books of the international museum of lyon
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Instagram book inner photos

Easily print Instagram photos with BlookUp!

Why should you print your instagram photos ? Because back to school period is fast approaching, you’re probably wondering how to compile your memories that are currently drowning and disappearing in your Instagram feed. How can you  save them and relive them again and again?

A person taking a picture of food on their instagram story
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Instagram’s application features on iOS and Android

Instagram’s application features  in 2018

Instagram’s application features are develloping ! In addition to reaching a billion users, the social network has developed new features to strengthen user experience. You will discover in this article the latest Instagram features that you might have missed!

Instagram logo

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