Looking to print your digital content and transform it into a beautiful personalized, hand-held book? Well, with BlookUp this has never been easier. Follow these simple steps and have your book delivered to you in a matter of days.
- On our site, select which kind of book you would like to create. At the moment the books we have available are our Facebook books, Instagram Books, Blog or PDF books.
- Then by clicking ‘see my book’ , you will be taken to the window where you connect your social media page and select the date range you wish to be included in the book. Or if you’re using a PDF? even easier… simply upload the PDF file.
- The easiest step… (you don’t need to do anything) we generate your book in a matter of minutes.
- Now the best bit – personalize your book! Once BlookUp has generated your book you will be taken to an edit page where there are numerous options to edit your book, to your taste. Use the ‘looks’ tab to edit the colors, text and photos on the cover or use the ‘contents’ tab to edit the layout of your posts and make sure each post is presented exactly how you want it.
- Finally, add the book to your basket, check out and we will get your book to you as soon as possible! (TopTip: Don’t forget to check our socials to see if we have any active promo codes)