Turn your Blogspirit blog into a book

You have a blog on Blogspirit? Did you know that you could now turn all your contents into a book? Well it’s possible thanks to BlookUp!


What would you feel about making your memories or your writings real? Think about all the posts you’ve patiently written during all those years… BlookUp invented an easy and quick way for you to create the book of your Blogspirit blog, but we also offer to import digital contents from other blog platforms and social networks!

a blog spirit book opened next to a computer

Thanks to BlookUp you can now import all or just a part of your contents by simply connecting yourself to your blog thanks to a secured application. With the content editor, your posts are automatically laid-out and in a few clicks you have a nice book printed in high quality and delivered at home in 8 business days, even for just one copy!

You can of course customize your book by choosing the format, the font and also the design of the cover and back cover. BlookUp offers you several templates for those, but you can also choose to import the creation of your choice with the “100% custom” option. Bonus: the title of your blook will be displayed on the edge of the book, always a nice touch in a bookcase!

A person holding.a. blog spirit book in her hands

Come on, don’t hesitate and order your blook now to immortalize your blog!

After connected paper, the digital is materialized again!

Paper is approximatively 3000 years old and it’s not ready to disappear.

On the contrary, paper has recently known a renewal thanks to the cohabitation with its sworn enemy!  The digital.

Nowadays, digital and book are no longer contradictory, but they complement each other. `

We all know QR codes or Flash codes. Children books now offer augmented reality, packagings of frozen fish tell us many informations about the product and where it’s been fished, the specie, the receipes you can cook with it.

Connected paper allows the readers, the companies and the brands to use a new space of information and communication thanks to our smartphone’s screen.

A girl on the street taking a picture with her phone

Thanks to digital technologies and databases, printing companies like Maqprint are able to print very customized contents and deliver documents limited to only a few people.

Part or all the elements (texts, pictures, graphs, colors, lay-out) composing a document or a book can be different from one another, allowing to target more efficiently the needs of the customers or readers.

Digital combined to databases opens up to the possibility of various marketing scripts. So, tomorrow an airline company could offer on-board customized magazines to travellers according to their own interests.

Proof that digital and paper mustn’t be opposed is BlookUp 

A paper book connected to a computer

Since 4 years, BlookUp offers to print books from personal blogs.

Today thanks to a reversed technology we lay-out digital flows, texts and pictures to turn them into real paper books.

Reasons to materialize your blog again are numerous. To keep a track of your writings, save it because you are afraid to loose it one day, and to offer it and share your book (books are a great gift!) or to sell it to other readers!

Making your “blook” (contraction of the words “blog” and “book”) is a great thing to do.

So, you can love digital, blogs, social networks… But also the smell of a new book, the touch of the paper, the pleasure to show it to others, commenting moments of your life around a nice and beautiful paper book.

A paper book opened in front of flowers

Leave your data to someone thanks to Google !

Have you ever thought about what will become of your digital datas when you’re gone?

Google has an answer for you !

You can now fill up your “digital will”, a document that will allow you to write down your last wishes regarding the datas on your Google applications.

Youtube, Gmail, photos in your Drive, documents… Weither you decide to give full access to someone you know, or you wish to just delete everything, the final decision is your own and will be applied when your account will be inactive during a certain period of time.


Continue reading “Leave your data to someone thanks to Google !”

Meeting with a blogger mum and her blook!

Today, we would like to introduce you Patricia, writer on the blogs “Une maman blogueuse” (now closed) and “Un orage en été“. She tells us about why she printed the book of her blog, to turn its digital contents into a beautiful blook!

Blogger mum patricia holding the book of her blog

  • Tell us about yourself:

My name is Patricia, I’m 36, I’m married and I have two daughters of 7 and 3 years old. I live near Paris and I’ve been a blogger for 4 years now.

  • What’s your blogs about? 

My old blog, “Une maman blogueuse” (“a blogger mum” in english), talked mainly about the daily routine of a family, about education, activities for the kids, questions you ask yourself when you’re a mum. The new one, “Un orage en été” (“a storm in summer” in english), also talks about these things because I’m still a mum and those topics still interest me a lot but I felt the need to talk about everything I enjoyed as a woman. There’s beauty, fashion, travels, activities (but not just with the family), cooking recipes… It’s a mix of all the things I love.

  • Why did you decide to print your blog into a book? 

When I decided to close “Une maman blogueuse” to only write on “Un orage en été”, I felt the need to keep a material memory, more than just Word files.

I’ve written for 3 years on this blog, and many posts meant a lot to me, especially those regarding to the “evolution” of my kids.

I thought the idea to print your blog into a book was fun. This way, I can dive back into it whenever I feel like it and my daughters can read it someday.


  • How did you know BlookUp? 

I already knew that I wanted to print my blog into a book, so I did some internet research and BlookUp was part of the possibilities.

  • What are the positive points about the platform? 

The big positive point is the simplicity of use. The explanations are very clear and it’s very easy.

  • What can we improve? 

I think it would be nice to offer more choices regarding the templates and colors. I also think that, when you have to print several book, we should be able to make them from the same blog import.

  • How do you find the final result? 

Despite all the things you can improve as mentionned up above, I love the result. The quality of the book is very good, the images are beautiful and the paper is soft to the touch.

  • What does your family say about your blook? 

My close relations thought it was a very good idea. The book is at the disposale of everyone in the living room, and they like to be able to read a post that they’ve enjoyed on the occasion.

  • Would you recommand BlookUp?

Yes, without a doubt. Among the other websites that offered this service, BlookUp was the one with the most beautiful and less expensive products. Furthermore, the delivery was quick and, as I said, the product was of very good quality.


Thank you so much for your testimony Patricia! We’re happy to see that you are pleased with your blook. If you also want to print the book of your blook, go to our website: inscription and import are totally free!


When you go on a trip, you always want to keep in touch with your relatives and keep a track of those beautiful moments… And the best way to do that is very simple: make a blog and write all about your adventures!

  1. Choose the platform

The first step is also one of the most important. To create your blog, you first have to think about the blog platform where you will write your posts. But luckily, there are plenty and you will have the choice! The most famous are WordPress, Tumblr or Blogger but there’s many more. Each platform will allow you to write and present your contents (texts, photos…) in a different way, and you have to choose the one that’s going to match with what you want to do.

  1. Write everyday

The next step is also very important : the writing. It’s essential that you force yourself to write a little everyday on your blog, so that you won’t forget the little stories. The consistency of your posts will also allow your relatives to feel close to you and your adventures, like they were with you the whole time! Once you’re back, you will enjoy the little details in your posts that you wouldn’t have been able to read if you hadn’t write about it every day. Of course, you mustn’t write 5 pages per day… But do it a little every night (or morning), you won’t regret it!


  1. Make everyone a part of your blog

If you travel with your family, friends or with your lover, the blog can be a nice way for everyone to express their feelings and point of view about the trip. If everyone write on the blog, the final result will only be better and the memories more numerous and beautiful! You can also ask your relatives to comment your posts, so everyone is really a part of your journey.

  1. Be a part of a community

Once everything thing else is done, you can connect and talk with other travel bloggers so they can give you advices on how to make the best of your journey! It’s always useful to have the opinion of other people about a destination, activities to do, how to manage your blog… You can meet bloggers from the country you visit (so they can teach you about their culture) or bloggers that have already been to a city and can advise you on what to visit there.

  1. Import your blog on BlookUp


What if someday everything disappeared? Don’t panic, we have a solution! BlookUp allows you to easily import your digital contents (travel blog, Instagram account with beautiful photos) to make them into a beautiful book to remember every moment of your journey! In order to do that, you have to prepare your blog: insert legends under your photos, check misspellings and the order of your posts, add categories… All you have to do then is to select the posts you want to be printed in your blook (contraction of the words “blog” and “book”): and that’s it! You’re free to create several books from one blog, one per year or one per country.

BlookUp allows you to print the book of your blog from one copy, with a price according to the number of pages, that you receive directly at home. You keep all the copyrights, and you can also decide to make your blook public and sell it in our Blookshop!

That’s it: you’re ready for your big adventure and become a great blogger (and blooker)!

Our favorite travel blog : “the children of the ocean” by Fany and her family !

Today we have decided to tell you about our little travel blog crush… It’s the story of Fany, her husband and their two children who sailed away from the Mediterranean to see what it was like across the world… In French Polynesia! 2 years of a beautiful trip, printed in very nice blooks. Books and adventures : that’s what dreams are made of!

  • Introduce yourself in a few words:

Time of departure : August 2013. We are a family, couple (45 abd 39 years old) with two little children. Manoa, a 6 years old boy and Louna our 3 and a half years old daughter. Purchase of the sailing boat summer 2011. Preparation of the two next years, as initially planned. We’ve left our jobs, 1 year before departure for Fany, and 3 months before for Guy.


  • What’s your blog about?

A 2 years family trip, on a sailing boat. Destination : French Polynesia, from the mediterranean coasts. 2 years of  budget. A year to reach the Pacific ocean through the Panama Canal, and another year to enjoy the polynesian archipelago. The name “MOANA” means “ocean” in tahitian language. Our destination is directly linked to the name of the sailing boat.

Itinerary: Balearics and Spanish Coast, Strait of Gibraltar, Canary Islands, Cape Verde, transatlantic liner, Martinique, Saint Lucia, Grenadines, Grenade, Bonaire, San Blas, Panama, Galapagos, Polynesia : Marquesas Islands, Tuamotu archipelago, Society Islands.

Port of call only in islands, few visits to the land, the point being to discover unreachable places and meet with isolated populations. Report of the life on board, happiness and troubles. Mechanic problems, weather troubles. School for the kids. Discoveries and walks, encounters, snorkeling… Resale of the boat in Tahiti, flight back to France, as initially planned.

  • Why did you decide to go on this adventure? 

A dream for Fany for about 15 years. Follow the trade winds, look at the stars, sail at the rythme of the wind, be under the Tropics. Discover other worlds, other people, other ways of life everyday, with the sun and the essential. Explore the islands. Be in harmony with the nature, show the beauties of this planet to the kids, so they can admire and protect it, be sensitive to the animals and their natural environment. Step away from the consumption european society, be aware of the resources, to drinkable water, to the food… To the pollution.

  • Why print your blog?

The blog was a heavy work all through the journey, because of bad (or inexistant) internet connexions. Beside the fact to be a great communication and sharing tool, this blog represents our photo album. It would have been impossible to sort the photos and write our adventure once we get home. The printing of those books, step by step of the journey, allow the kids to keep a material track of it.


  • How did you know BlookUp? 

Through a friend, who saw our blog and the work to keep it updated and advised me to print it when I’d be back. She gave me the name of BlookUp.

  • What are the positive sides of the platform? 

Very easy to use, nice presentation and clear explanations.

  • What are the downsides?

For a blog as big as ours, the problem is to import the blog every time we want to make a new book. The other downside is the size of the book. For us, 200 pages is not enough ! Lower the prices… But thankfully you make offers regularly and granted me discount as a “good customer”.

  • What do you think of the organization and making of your blook?

The tools are very easy to use, fast, and effective. I’ve chose the same design of each blog, but I would have appreciated a few more choices regarding the colors…

  • How do you find the final result?

Very good! But not excellent, because sometimes texts and photos are a little out of sync. I often have a comment on a page and the photo related on the other but I spend a lot of time modifying my posts on Blogspot.

  • What are the opinions of your family?

They think it’s a very good idea to print the book of your blog! They enjoy reading them although they followed our adventures from day to day thanks to the blog.

  • Would you recommend BlookUp? 

The printing quality is exceptional and I’m very pleased with the photo, even under water, the colors are perfect. Yes, I recommend BlookUp because I have seen other websites, more expensive and less beautiful regarding the quality of the photos. It’s a nice way for our kids to remembers those times because they’re still little and have already forgot some things!

Thank you a lot Fany for your testimony, and we leave you to dreams with a few pictures of paradise… It makes us want to go on a journey ourselves!


Print the book of your blog from Blogger

You have a blog on Blogger ? Good, Blogger is the writing and design platform owned by Google, the number 1 search engine in the world.

Did you know that you could keep a paper mark of your blog thanks to BlookUp ? If printing your blog is a process that scares you because of the difficulty to organize your posts and to create a page setting, with BlookUp there is nothing easier : everything is optimized for it to take you the less amount of time and energy possible.

Creating the book of your blog to keep a memory of the highlights of your life is now within everyone’s reach. See you soon on BlookUp !

Your blog in 5 easy steps thanks to BlookUp

person typing on a computer with the text create your blog in 5 easy steps

Every day, more and more blogs are created on the Internet. A blog is not just a website, it is a place where bloggers can share whatever they want with everybody. They tell their stories, share their best places to go and talk about very different subjects.

Many people want to join this big worldwide community. Men, women, mothers, teenagers, students,… everyone can make a blog in 5 easy steps . The only thing to do is to follow some important steps.

Let’s start !

1-Choose the subject of your blog

Before launching your blog, you definitely have to know what it will be about. Subjects are everywhere : travels, food, fashion, cars, fitness, animals, cinema… If you are passionated about what you are blogging, then your readers will be passionated too.

2- Choose the good hosting platform

There are so many hosting platforms which permet you to create your own blog. WordPress and Blogger are two of the most famous. Friendly-using, plugins, SEO… every single characteristic is important.  Choose the one you will be the most comfortable with.

Wordpress and blogger logos

3- Create a blog you love

This is your own space. It has to correspond to your personality, to who you are and to what you love. It means choosing a nice name of blog, finding your own way of writing your articles, using your photos. The more your blog will correspond to you, the more you will enjoy writing articles… and the more your readers will love it !

4- Focus on quality content

Every single article must be written rigorously. For instance, incorrect spellings will make the reader loose the meaning of the text. He will only be focusing on these mistakes. If you know this is one of your weakness, then work on it ! And do not hesitate to read your post again and again before publishing it 😉

5- Talk with your readers

To create a relationship with your readers is something you have to keep in mind. In one word, blogging means sharing. If you share with them, then you will receive a lot (followers, comments, likes). So do not forget to answer their comments and questions as much as you can (even if it is not always easy when you have a lot of followers), talk to them, offer giveaways…etc.


Following 5 these 5 steps you can create your blog in 5 easy steps and print your blook on BlookUp!


The digital book more expensive than the printed book?

a book icon on a screen representing a digital book The question remains unsettled. It would seem that the model business of the digital book is not still good establishes.

A blogger enjoied making a comparative study. In every case, the digital book is more expensive than paper book!

It is a real problem when we know, and we are placed well for the knowledge in the edition of books of blogs, that one of the main costs it is paper (60 % of the price in self-publishing, even if certainly the technique of printing is different).

What is interesting it is to deal with comments, debates and claiming of the Internet users, on the subject.

Between the ecology, the remuneration for the authors, the hacking, the boycott of the publishers. Everyone brings his own arguments. The digital debate vs paper extends in the infinity. But does the debate really exist? Each should have the choice of lira on the support of its choice, the whole being only a packaging of contents.

Should not the publishers and the booksellers more anticipate and to reposition with regard to this advance of the digital technology in their world, rather than to make understand, in a clarify way, that they are not still ready for the digital technology?

A paper book : could you change it ?

That is what we could soon hear in the mouth of the youngest!  The generation “digital native” been born a transplanted keyboard left hand and a smartphone right hand.

If 98 % of the young people prefer to read on paper rather than on screen. The question is whether the paper will always have so many followers when this “digital natives” will reach the age to be bibliophiles?

Maybe what is more for this new generation, the expression ” to turn over a new leaf” will be transformed there “to refresh the page”, more adequate to what defines the current digital page.

Be up to date!

Turn in a loop !  The record is crossed off!  Will these expressions have only another sense tomorrow? Or will they have become unusual since the progressive disappearance of their support? Mp3 havetaken an important place in the current musical consumption. It is logically that the market of the Compact disc tends to disappear. Already met phenomenon there are more than about twenty year with the extinction of the vinyl for the benefit of Said CD.

For the book and the appearance of its malefic double.

The digital book, it is about a similar foundation. Real debate, the dematerialization of the book causes the same debates today which enamelled the passage in the digital photography and in the dematerialized music. Paper book(pound) Vs digital book there will be there only one? Which? And why not both if we take into account economic data and sociological?

The paper book, the museum piece or the collector’s edition?

In the coming years, we are going to observe a “collector’s” future of the paper book in front of development of his digital antagonist? It is also the difference!  The material. Between paper and digital support, the material entraine this clear quality gap, the paper becomes a luxury object in the face of a dematerialized support. Actually, hypothetically, it is not impossible that the digital book comes to replace the paperback.

The future of the book, the Print-On Demand?

A complete report has just been made in May by the Association of College and Research libraries on “the scenarios for the future of the book”.

Indeed; it explores 4 alternatives with which can be confronted the book. Since almost disappearance of the paper book for the benefit of the digital technology or mutually, the failure of the ebook because of a too expensive technology and which does not convince the readers, certain data are however common to all the scenarios:

  1. The technology of the printed books does not go out but occupies a position, a different function. Let us remember ourselves that even if the electricity produces the light, candles kept a status mattering in our company)
  2. The readers of books are less numerous
  3. A new phenomenon expands! Print-On Demand.


However, in 2020, the creation and the publication of books will be less expensive and easier. We shall not find any more only authors’ big names! A lot of people unknowns will self-publish their own paper books to share their papers with friends or to keep a track of things, facts. In these conditions the ISBN will not be any more an essential component of the book and there will be more and more titles of books of fiction, short stories, poems, theories.

The authors continues to find that the paper book is more taken seriously than his digital counterpart! And the paper books becomes the new business cards. Leave me your book, I would tell you what you are worth.

The world continues to be invaded by the paper book!  Therefore ironically it will be made possible by the digital technologies.

A baby reading a paper book Will the new generation still read paper books?