Twitter has become nowadays the social network of the immediate information and is in that way in direct competition with traditional medias.

You will find in this article 10 tips and facts that you might ignore about the little blue bird’s world.

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Cinemagraphs Harry Potter-themed!​

At BlookUp, we often face some technical constraints that can not be removed though we’d love to. Among them is the integration of gifs! You surely have already dreamt about illustrations that move by themselves on paper pages!

No need for sound! It’s all about the pleasure of seeing the clouds move, people smile, all of this while continuing to enjoy the rough and soft touch of a paper book…

There’s a fascinating universe in which we can find such an object: The one of Harry Potter, of course! Somebody else loved the idea of moving pictures! Daria Khoroshavina, a Russian artist, who combined her talents in photography and animation in order to illustrate, in her own way, how wizards in her “Halloween Potions and Spells”gallery!

A book with an image in motion “So, according to that picture, if my shrinking potion is red and filled with bubbles, I messed up”


But what are Cinemagraphs anyway?

Well, while gifs play a complete animation without necessarily making the transition between the beginning and the end very subtle, cinemagraphs are usually produced by animating only a part of a photo in a continuous and fluid-like movement that contrasts with the rest of the picture, that remains motionless.

A Harry Potter book cinemagraphIs the definition still a little obscure? “Lumos” !


Cinemagraphs originally come from the world of fashion and have already been adaptedy by several artists in various ranges of magnificent and relaxing animated images that you can watch with the sound of the rain or the sea in the background!

Wanna see more?

  •, the website created by Kevin Burg and Jamie Beck who are also the creators of the concept of Cinemagraphs!
  • Philippe Cabaret and his blog Philippoc, a French photographer often paying tribute to Paris through his creations.

And if you feel like this is going to be your new hobby, you can even find applications to make your own cinemagraphs!

A Harry Potter cinemagraph book

cinemagraph-harry-potter-incendioAguamenti and Incendio spells. You can combine the two in order to make cooking pastas way cooler than it actually is.


It’s now up to you to check out Daria Khoroshavina’s other cinemagraphs and works on her wesbite!


Source article – Pictures : Daria Khoroshavina

Event :”Literature Vs Traffic” in Toronto

Today we’re going back in time !  For those who, like us, have missed an impressive and ephemeral artistic installation. The one that illuminated and animated downtown Toronto during the night of October 1st, 2016.

The anonymous group of artists Luzinterruptus took 12 days and gathered 50 volunteers to cover Hagerman Street in downtown Toronto.All done with nearly 10,000 books, all donated by the Salvation Army. Among those, some were surprisingly old and were part of private donations.


The main event in the streets of toronto

The installation, named “Literature vs. Traffic”, had already been illegally carried out in Madrid and New York. This time it obtained the authorization of Melbourne to perform there. The artists were invited to the event “Nuit Blanche Toronto 2016” in order to reproduce the experience.

Luzinterruptus confirms that in 5 years “The meaning of this piece has not changed as the battle between pedestrians and vehicles still goes on in most of the world’s large cities and it is hard to find real, workable solutions. Despite the efforts on the part of some cites to reduce downtown traffic, they can only go as far as to create a Car-free day ! All to have an idea as to how we would live without them”. The collective adds on its website: “We want literature to take over the streets and conquer public spaces, freely offering those passersby a traffic-free place which, for some hours, will succumb to the humble power of the written word”.


Hagerman Street was closed for one night and replaced the come-and-go of cars by hundreds of pedestrians ! All moving between illuminated books, resulting in a magic and impressive ballet. Passers-by were free to consult the books at their own pace. They were also allowed to choose the ones they would take home in order to preserve a small piece of this lively and interactive work. It took them only 10 hours to empty the street almost completely. They finally, in the early morning, gave back the road traffic.


Who knows, if this event comes back in a (very) distant future ?! Perhaps one day there will be blooks among a myriad of other lighted books!



Source article – Photo credits: Lola Martínez

The most impressive books of the World !

Last November, we talked about the little book of Evan and his idea to compile all the little pleasures of life. Revisiting this article, a question crossed our minds.

What about the great books? What are they talking about?

Two of them particularly caught our attention, and for one good reason. 

Each of them, in their way, can be considered as the greatest books in the world, although not formalized by the Guinness Book. By the way, did you know?

The greatest book formalized by the Institute of World Records was unveiled by the Mshahed International Group in Dubai in 2012, measures 5m x 8.06m and weighs 1500 kg!

With this in mind, we were already very excited to search for more!

The Tripitaka – Kuthodaw Pagoda, Burma

Kuthodaw stupas

The Tripitaka brings together all the founding texts of the Buddhist religion since the 1st century BC.

However, the “world’s biggest book” – in a symbolic sense – was only born in 1868.

Several tons of written surface are spread over nearly 730 headstones entierely made of marble! Protected in their stupas, small carved temples commemorating Buddha, these imposing stones are about 1.5m tall for about 13cm thick and remain accessible to the public today.

You can go admire and browse this book of several volumes (listed in the Memory of the World Register) at the Kuthodaw Pagoda, gigantic temple designed as a monument to the glory of Buddhism, in Burma.

Kuthodaw headstones

Hours of reading are awaiting… Provided that you can understand Pali!

“Pátria Amada” – Brasilia

Patria Amada Congress Brasilia

Exposed right in front of the Congress building in Brasilia, the book “Pátria Amada” is, according to its author Vinicius Leoncio, “the biggest book in the world”.

With a height of 2m and weighing almost 7 tons, it would be remiss to contradict him!

The lawyer has collected in this book almost four million tax regulations, for a total of 41,266 pages.

This conscientious author, who affectionately and ironically titled his book “Beloved Nation”, denounces the heaviness of the Brazilian tax system where, according to him, “a company passes on average 2,600 hours a year to solve its bureaucracy, against 180 hours of Europe […] in Brazil, we create around 35 tax rules by day.

The story does not say if the Brazilian parliamentarians began to dissect this very complete book, but if simplified tax reforms begin to take shape soon, we can suspect that it would have contributed to their creation.

The next person to make an impression in the world of books may be you!

So if these examples inspired you, you can get started! BlookUp certainly does not propose the Obelisk format yet , but 500 pages make a pretty good start for GREATER projects …