What is the Instagram algorithm? How does BlookUp manage to print my favorite social network?

According to some studies, only 10% of your community sees your posts in their Instagram feed. The reason ? The Instagram algorithm!

MyTop100Photos Instagram
Print your social book !

Social networks are constantly evolving and improving the user experience day by day. If they manage to create a huge community, the question of the visibility of each profile still arises.

It is therefore very important to follow its progress! And above all to understand the algorithm. If we want an Instagram followed and consulted, we must also be able to save its data. Sustainable!

How does the Instagram algorithm work in 2020?

Instagram based its news feed on a chronological presentation principle which is no longer the case. Today, it builds and promotes accounts with a high engagement rate. It is therefore imperative to remember to focus on interactions with your users! Have an eye on what’s being said about you and join the conversation in your comments. This is to maintain a high engagement rate! In short, do not hesitate to start the conversation whether it is on your profile or that of someone else!

Therefore, in addition to a strong presence it is imperative to use features such as stories! It’s an excellent means of communication that increasingly dominates all visual platforms! This is an element taken into account when you use the features and labels offered!

The algorithm is also based on a principle of predictive behavior! Your past and present activity, the people you follow and the posts you double tap! These are indications to the algorithm in order to channel your main activity into your flow. You will generally find these predictive posts at the top of your “home” insert.

The instagram RATP blooks displayed on a table
The instagram RATP blooks displayed on a table

Therefore, it is imperative to think about each of your legends in order to ensure that they are as optimized and attractive as possible! This will make users more likely to read and spend more time on your publication.

Keeping track of your work afterwards is possible! Thanks to BlookUp, you can print the book on your Instagram social network and archive this precious optimized content! Who knows, you may be able to show it to another user in order to help them respect the algorithm in turn, if the latter does not change again! 🙂

Fresno shootings, the first tweets in a Twitter book

Follow the news of Fresno directly in our BlookSpace!

Through the books we give you a gethering of diffrent tweets ( reactions ) that allow you to read up on any subject anytime and anywhere.This way, you will be able to share diffrent ideas to your community.

Fresno shootings

Four young men were killed this Sunday evening on November 17 during a “mass shooting” at a residence in the city of Fresno, California.

One or more suspects entered a residence where some 35 people, including children, during a family reunion. The author(s) are on the run. Investigators are trying to trace their whereabouts by examining the video surveillance footage. The many neighbours are also interviewed. This drama unfortunately took place a few days after the high school in Santa Clarita, near Los Angeles was the victim of a similar act. This tragic succession made Internet users react from the very beginning as you can read in this Twitter book.

Go to our BlookSpace for more informations and reactions.


STEM signification

Then National STEM day blook is on the BlookSpace! Why? Because we strive to follow the news and give you reactions to various subjects! We do so through the making of books that gather tweets from different communities around one particular subject. 

Continue reading “SAVE YOUR TWITTER STEM BOOK !”


A picture of Michael Bloomberg

The Bloomberg blook is on the BlookSpace! Why? Because we strive to follow the news and give you reactions to various subjects! We do so through the making of books that gather tweets from different communities around one particular subject. 


Why save your Twitter in a social book?

What’s a social book? It’s the possibility to import content from social media and/or blogs and then print it as a paper book. At Blookup, we give you the possibility to make your own social book from your Twitter! 

But with what aim?

woman with a Twitter book
Continue reading “Why save your Twitter in a social book?”