The concept of Employee advocacy is a priority for anyone who is aware of the strong impact of social media platforms. Therefore, blooks are the perfect tool to optimize your strategy.
Highlight the work of your social media teams
Establishing a successful social media strategy takes time and motivation. Yet the impact generated by the posts merely lasts a few hours. Printing the online content of your company pages will not only help you extend the impact of your posts. However, it will enable you to increase the value of your digital team’s hard work.
Increase workplace culture and in-house communication
Put the blook of your company’s social media accounts near the coffee machine or the cafeteria you will allow you to encourage employees from all departments to check out the content that is being shared on these profiles and therefore, increase the visibility of your brand. The blook will encourage them to talk more about the company and its practices and enhance your in-house communication. Having a tool like this makes the success of your employee advocacy strategy.
Include your collaborators
Your team may not have the time to check the online activity of the company. They are even may be completely absent from social media platforms. Blooks will allow them to keep track of what is going on in your professional social media accounts. thus, make them feel included in the process regardless of their department or seniority.
Encourage your employees to choose what they want to talk about
Employee advocacy also means giving control to your employees and enable them to post content on behalf of your company. By creating the blooks of your company accounts, you will highlight their participation! This will give them the motivation to feel included within your online strategy. They will want to see their very own blog post or social media sharing featured in the pages of your next blook.
All your results in a blook
The most important part of establishing an effective employee advocacy strategy is the statistics. A blook is the perfect social media review tool that will enable you to evaluate the success of your employee advocacy strategy. It will help your teams understand what works and what doesn’t work for your brand on your professional social media platforms.