BlookUp understands the importance you place on your pages, and has decided to bring them to life even more…

Whether you’re an Influencer in your spare time, a business or even a self-employed entrepreneur, BlookUp gives you the chance to turn your page into a real book, laid out and printed.

Print your page ? But why ? There are many good reasons to print your page fan book. Here are the main ones :

1 – Back up your production

We’re not immune to the possibility of a computer bug erasing our content. Unfortunately, we can’t know what will happen to the pages in 5, 10 or 20 years’ time. By then, a great deal of data may have been deleted.

2 -Nothing beats a printed paper book

To have in your hands the content you’ve patiently and passionately written is so exhilarating ! Give it a try ! Once you’ve received your blook, you’ll start flipping through it, touching the paper, feeling the pages turn under your fingers and your images scroll before your eyes… you’ll say to yourself, “Why didn’t I do it sooner ?

3 – A real tool for promoting your work

Printing your blog also allows its author to rediscover his or her blog in another way. Very few bloggers take the time to delve into their archives, which are full of old photos, stories and other memories. You’ll realize just how much writing has been done over the course of a year, or even a lifetime.

In a book, you can rediscover your production, reread your posts and relive your fondest memories in pictures !

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