"Write" Said Fred Annual 2018 - Gary Strachan

By Gary Strachan - Published on Dec. 15, 2017
"Write" Said Fred Annual 2018, is the author's homage to the comic annuals published by The Sunday Post, which he received religiously every Christmas.
When he says religiously he doesn't mean he received them as a matter of course, he's referring to the fact they were bound in ecclesiastical parchment instead of wrapping paper. The books 'Oor Wullie' and 'The Broons' taught him many life lessons, including the meaning of the word hoots, along with the denotation of 'but & ben'. The author has never worn dungarees or sat on an upturned bucket.
20x27 cm / 7.87x10.62 in
82 pages
$ 66.62

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